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Phewwww...this is a busy time of year !!! So very fun, but too little time in the day. Sunday was a relative day of rest. We had a leisurely waffle breakfast then headed off to Coloma for a 1849 California Christmas celebration. Coloma is a very tiny town and State Park about 20 miles from us down on the South Fork of the American River. It is the site were James Marshall discovered gold in California and started the massive Gold Rush. It's a beautiful setting and always a pleasant day to go there. This Sunday, however, we were there so Jim could play with The Dry Creek Rounders who were providing wonderful entertainment for all the visitors. The band is so good, so fun to listen to and , of course, such awesome people that it's always fun to hang out in their sphere !
I've been looking at a lot of houses with Molly,but so far everyone that she's interested in is sold before she can get in an offer ! We saw a cute possibility this afternoon and now she can't get ahold of her realtor to check out the interior. Sooner or later the right combination will come along, but it sure is frustrating !!
The weather is staying very un-Xmas like. Cold up here , but sunny and warm in the valley and the prospect for a white Xmas this year looks bleak ! Maybe the weather is why I'm having trouble organizing myself ......baking, shopping , gift wrapping , etc, .......this year. I'll just panic next week and power through it all !
Look at this ........
we just picked these tomatoes and ,if you can read my little Xmas countdown board ,
there are only 21 days until Christmas ! We've occasionally harvested tomatoes in the first part of November, but certainly never in December ! The plants of course are long gone......brown, shriveled and dead, but the little tomatoes just hang on to the vines and eventually turn red. Very strange weather so far this Fall/Winter season.
Just as I was settling in to watch a little football and nurse along my llama injured leg.......I got a phone call from Boyce. Tess had fallen up on their ranch ,broken her wrist and was on her way into surgery !! It was the same wrist she'd broken in Thailand and if she was going to break something that wrist was a good thing to break as it was never set right in Thailand and had given her trouble ever since. fun to break a wrist !!! They inserted some pins to hold all the pieces in place and hopefully it will heal well and be better than ever.
Yesterday I spent the day with Molly looking at houses. She hopes to buy one soon to take advantage of the low prices and great interest rates. She's been pre-approved for a loan and so is good to go. She found a sweet little house up in Colfax that she after work tomorrow she'll take another look with Ross and maybe think about an offer !
Still no rain or cold weather in the forecast for next week.......guess we'll have to grin and bear this great tomato weather !