Yesterday Jim and I decided it was a good day for a little exploring......these Sierras are full of little roads leading to much of nowhere ! Perfect for us since we seem to prefer nowhere places. We headed up our beloved Hwy. 49......a small two lane road that meanders North to South along the base of the high mountains. We even brought along Jenny .....such was our anticipation of a day of adventure ! Well, we really hadn't expected the Labor Day weekend to have had such a busy consequence.......although the road wasn't busy ...... everywhere we planned on stopping was jammed packed with people ! We finally found a decent spot for a little picnic and a place at least for Jenny to run around. Back in the car to look for a day of excitement! After a while we realized that we had worked our way to being somewhat near Tess and Boyce's place......Stoney Ranch !! Now to get to Stoney Ranch you need to find and follow some pretty obscure gravel roads and I really didn't have much hope for us ! I, of course, really underestimated Jim's navigational skills.....because after only a few wrong turns ..... there we were , parked at the gate of the ranch !! Yaaaa.....let's get out of the car !!!!! We hiked up the beautiful road/driveway to the temporary homestead.....I was sensing on the way up the drive that Tess and Boyce might actually be there......a long shot, but I was wishing. Nope, no one there, but it was a beautiful afternoon and we enjoying exploring around a little ........spent a lot of time being excited for them and a bit of time regretting that we weren't young enough anymore to strike out on such an adventurous way of life.
Before long we were back in the car ......deciding that there were still chores to do back home....so we turned toward Lupine Hill. About that time my phone did it's little text sound.......it was Tess and they had just left Stoney Ranch and were eating in Oroville !! Turns out we had missed them by about a half hour ! Bummer !! They were headed back up to Humboldt.......and we were headed for Chinese food in Auburn ! Sure would have loved to see them.......next time for sure.
Oh ya.......this picture ! I left this twig sticking up between two rocks that they had laid on an outdoor table....a sign we'd been there and that we love and miss them.