Wow <<<< I've been offline for a long time ! I actually have hardly even turned my computer on since my " Month of Great Happiness " ! I'm referring , of course, to the last month when Jill and her family were here visiting. They just left yesterday and I already miss them so much.......we had such a wonderful time. A week of the time Jilly was here Josh and his family also visited........lots of swim time for all the kids , lots of cold drink and deck time for the adults ! I really slacked in the photo department and ,of course, now I regret it ! I should have documented the wonderful July 4th weekend........the late evening trips down to the city to watch Ross's band........and I certainly should have gotten lots and lots of pics of each and every one of our five beautiful grandchildren !! Should'a, Could'a, Would'a.........oh well......there's always next year !
I did manage to capture on film one very exciting day.......our trip up to the Oroville area to see Tess and Boyce's beautiful 10 acres. The highlight for the kids was learning to ride some small motocross motorcycles that Boyce has. Oh boy .......they will never forget that day.......soooo much fun ! For me the highlight of the day was seeing the beautiful land and to see Tessy so excited and happy with her life......oh, ya.....dinner at Shakeys Pizza made me pretty happy too !!
I also snapped a photo just as we were leaving for the airport yesterday......ohh, I can't wait until we all drive up the driveway next year.