Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Snow Day and More Snow Day!

Weird winter.......sunny and warm, flowers blooming.......now, Bam........a week of snow! Picture above illustrates one the more frustrating aspects of snow.......somebody has to go out every 1/2 hour or so and hose the snow off the satellite dish in order to watch the blasted TV! Even worse...tomorrow I'm supposed to take the 4-Runner down to help Seth finish moving in and Jim may have to take the 4-Runner in order to get to work......hopefully there won't be so much snow tonight and he'll be able to use the Subaru. I hope to get to the grocery store tomorrow also and "lay in supplies"......the power's already gone out once and I'm sure we're in for a few more outages.......so if you don't hear from me in a while.....I just don't want to waste the generator's power!

1 comment:

jilljen said...

The kids were fascinated by the picture of your backyard covered in snow!